“No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.”
— Winston Churchill on the religion of Islam.
Red Planet Cartoons has a sobering story this morning of England's decision to award extra state benefits to Muslims men who have multiple wives.
Juxtaposed against the above story is another from the Telegraph about 'no-go zones' for non-Muslims in England.
It's not a merry time to be in England.
The Brits seem to have finally knuckled under to the forces of multiculturalism, the insipid, mindless philosophy that teaches "all cultures have the same value" and, by extension that "the worst sin is to be judgmental of others"; i.e., to use judgment is wrong.
A sad sign of decline for our British cousins, and it's explained in full at Red Planet Cartoons, "Goodbye England, Hello Londonistan".
by Mondoreb
image: Red Planet
Source: Goodbye England, Hello Londonistan

Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.
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