They left during the middle of the night, leaving behind 49 dogs and a rental house covered in canine feces with damages a security deposit would hardly begin to cover. They're known as the Mother-Daughter Serial House Trasher and Animal Hoarder Team.
Pompano Beach Florida cops had to wear HazMat suits when they surveyed the mother-daughter house trashing team's most recent "work." Their second rental home, a mere four blocks from the first house owned by Debbie Hillstrom, which the trasher tag team and animal hoarders demolished and left back in November.
The damage estimates to Hillstrom's house are at 100,000. According to the Miami Herald, Ann M. Centofanti, 44, and her daughter, Ann Hesse-Centofanti, 24, are wanted on charges of grand theft and criminal mischief after they slunk away from landlord Debbie Hillstrom's suburban Florida home in November. The mother-daughter wrecking crew with over 4 dozen dogs then moved four blocks away to their next rental where they shuttered the windows and kept the dogs inside. Authorities said the stench was overwhelming. Hillstrom said her house still reeks even after the house was gutted.
The two women are still on the run after leaving the dozens of dogs behind, most likely renting another abode in the area.
Some people refer to the two women as "animal collectors." People who take up stray or unwanted pets and bring them into their homes.
People who are tormented by the dog and cat overpopulation crisis sometimes try to help by keeping large numbers of animals in their homes or in so-called "no-kill shelters." However, all too often, though these people may begin with the best of intentions, many quickly find themselves overwhelmed with both work and expenses, and the situation for the animals they have taken in deteriorates, sometimes to a horrific degree. Source - Planet PetsAnimal collectors seem to have a disconnect from reality, as they keep adding more and more pets to their "collections" even when it could mean eventual death from overcrowding or starvation for the animal.
PETA investigators found one woman living in a filthy trailer with close to 100 cats and dogs. Others were kept in pens outside. The temperature inside the trailer was in the 90s, and its floors were caked with excrement. Food and water bowls were contaminated with waste and cat litter. Some animals were hiding in cupboards, with trash for bedding. Most were emaciated and ill, some so weak they couldn't stand. Source - Planet PetsThere's no doubt that it will only be a short amount of time before the women will have "collected" another large number of "pets".
We believe animal collecting is a variety of an OCD, or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, as the persons involved no longer see their pets as living, breathing animals but as objects.
Psychiatric Times, 17(4):25-29, 2000, The Hoarding of Animals Research Consortium and R. FrostThe neighbors say they were shocked, that they didn't have a clue:
Research on animal hoarding is in its infancy, despite its seriousness and the frequency with which it is described in the news media. This article reviews existing literature on the hoarding of animals. Nearly two-thirds of animal hoarders are women, 70% are unmarried, and social isolation is common but appears to result from the hoarding behavior rather than causing it. As people who hoard possessions, animal hoarders often lack insight into the problematic nature of their behavior. A common and peculiar characteristic of animal hoarding is a persistent and powerful belief that they are providing proper care for their animals, despite clear evidence to the contrary. Careful assessment is needed to determine if these beliefs reflect a delusional disorder or overvalued ideation in the context of OCD. Source - Research Digest
Since animal hoarders are adept at keeping large numbers of animals hidden in their own homes, the only clue might be mass purchases of animal food, but that's if the animal collector is still feeding his unlucky "collection. In most cases the animals end up dead from lack of care, illness and/or starvation.Roberts, who lives in the building next door, said she only ever saw three dogs outside of the home and never heard loud barking. She often heard a woman screaming loudly, although authorities said the dogs likely were not beaten.
''I was just in total shock,'' Roberts said. ``I was totally unaware of it. I can't believe this was happening just next door.''
In the end it's the landlord and the authorities who are stuck with the chore of cleaning up after these people and the ultimate "victims," the animal hoarders collection.
The two women are still out there, most likely already settled into their new abode, starting up their next "collection," the newest animal collectors in the neighborhood.
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"Careful assessment is needed to determine if these beliefs reflect a delusional disorder or overvalued ideation in the context of OCD."
ReplyDeleteAs the child of an animal hoarder, I have issues with the idea of "overvalued ideation". Hoarders do not overvalue the lives of the animlas they often try to save, it's compassion and understanding for creatures that they understand as sentient and loving beings that lead them into the terrible conditions.
It's so complicated. And what is really hard is that there is no one who is willing to listen to a person like me talk about the horrors I experienced growing up. Growing up in the home of an animal hoarder is one of the most isolating conditions.