Sunday, March 16, 2008

Obama, Clinton, al-Qaeda and Priorities

What Good is Health Care if You're Dead?

Red Planet Cartoons, one of the finest purveyors of right cartoons, is spot on with their latest offering, "Priorities".

They start out with a quote from Sen. Lindsay Graham:
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on comments by Senators Hillary Clinton (D-New York) and Barack Obama (D-Illinois).

“Senator Clinton made an interesting statement last night. She said, “We’re ready to end the war in Iraq and win the war in Afghanistan.” No one doubts we must win in Afghanistan, the country that gave rise to the Taliban and Al Qaeda. But Senator Clinton’s Iraq statement about “ending” the Iraq war was quite troubling.

"Troubling" is Senator-speak for "Are you kidding me?"

RPC adds to the mix with a post from Little Green Footballs, "Islamic States Seek World Freedom Curbs"--just for emphasis--and winds up with "Steve King is Right...Al-Qaeda Will Celebrate If Obama Wins-- Like They Did Last Time".

Included is this King quote: "Islamists “will be dancing in the streets” if Obama is elected president."

A thorough look at how the rest of the world sees our presidential elections and the non-serious posturing of a couple of the candidates.

"Priorities" asks a good question: What good is health care if you're dead?

by Mondoreb
image/Source: Priorities - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

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