DBKP's rule of thumb on videos: nothing over 4 minutes.
Short attention span, and all that.
But we received an immigration video that is over 4 minutes long and we present it this morning because of the subject and the way's it's presented.
The subject is "Reconquista: What is it?" and the treatment is serious, with lots of information, but not hysterical.
It's produced by Blogs4Borders and, chances are, there's some information in it of which you may not be aware.
From Blogs4Borders:
Reconquista: what is it?
Who’s behind it?
Should you be worried?
First in a three part series.
New media: let’s get to work!
100% Preventable!
Americans continue to suffer and die at the hands of illegal aliens; when will the madness end?
A good 10-minute video that is well worth the watch.
by Mondoreb
image: indypendent
Source: Blogs4Borders! 030308

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