No doubt you noticed our nifty new DBKP header.
It was rendered by our favorite cartoonist, Yogi at Red Planet Cartoons. Yogi went above and beyond the call of duty to get our header all shipshape for our opening of our new site.
Well, we're finally here--10 weeks after we got the site and header.
Real life delayed our move, but better late than never!
At any rate, we're so pleased with it, we wanted to show off some of RP's past cartoons and themes. We were gonna do our three favorites, but trying to make a choice was so hard, we decided on four--then five.
If you head over to Red Planet Cartoons and check out the left sidebar, you can browse through Yogi's cartoon archives.
After looking at a few, you'll see why it was so hard for us to choose which ones we liked best.
And, as any Red Planet Cartoons regular knows, there's a lot more there than the neat cartoons. You also get info, articles and links to all the reference material you'll ever need to win your next argument with a liberal.
So, without further delay are our next four favorites.

Hillary might be down, but she's probably never gonna be out--at least for the next 12-16 years. "HillaryCare" fills you in on the particularly onerous points of her health care plan.
Does your blog or website need an graphic upgrade? Contact Yogi at Red Planet Cartoons. You just may be able to work something out with the good folks there to get yourself a spiffy header like the one at the top of this page! Email: Red Planet Cartoons@gmail. |

Almost a carbon copy for government intrusion was John Edwards health care plan, which he unveiled on the campaign trail. "The 'For Your Own Good' Police" boils it all down.

September was a prolific month: some of our favorites are from those 30 days. "Democrats, Then and Now" was in a neck-and-neck race with several Ahmadinejad cartoons for our favoritess; but "Democrats" made a point that isn't made nearly enough: there are some people who expect others to buy them things.
Some of these people are called 'gold-diggers', others are called 'liberals.'

And this last one, a Memorial Day tribute, we'll let the reader supply his own narrative. "Memorial Day 2007"
Dozens more like these at Red Planet Cartoons. You'll see why we had so much trouble picking our favorite five.
Check it out.
by Mondoreb
Source & images: Red Planet Cartooons - Bigger, Better!.
DBKP/Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.
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