Sons of Islam everywhere, the jihad is a duty - to establish the rule of Allah on earth and to liberate your countries and yourselves from America's domination and its Zionist allies, it is your battle - either victory or martyrdom.According to Robert Spencer, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is revamping the State Department Lexicon with the orders to eliminate the words jihad and jihadi.
Sheikh A. Yassin
The argument, of course, is the old Streusand/Guirard claim that by using the word jihad, we're validating the jihadist claim to be waging jihad. Of course, it's ridiculous to think that the U.S. State Department carries any validating authority within the Islamic world to determine what is Islam and what isn't. This would be the first time that unbelievers have set the meaning of Islamic theology for Muslims.
We've never come across this before. Forbidding people to use the very words your enemies used to declare war on you?
Just imagine, what if Roosevelt's Secretary of State had forbidden the State Department to use the words "Pearl Harbor" or "Nazi" because they didn't want to offend anyone?
Is this another instance of the Department's schizophrenic behavior in regards to the War on Terror? How long before the words "terror" or "war" are also stricken from the books?
Read More Condi Rice and the State Dept: Dismantling the War on Terror One Word at a Time at DBKP.com
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.
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