ExposeObama.com put together the commercial below highlighting the Democrat front-runner's soft record on crime--always an important issue with American voters.

ExposeObama had some heavy hitters on board to help put the video together, including Floyd Brown, of Willie Horton fame.
One of the key members of our team is Floyd Brown. You may remember Floyd as the man who created the Willie Horton ads which brought the truth about Mike Dukakis directly to the American people.
Before the Willie Horton ads came out, Dukakis had a healthy lead over George H.W. Bush in the polls, in part, because the liberal media glossed over Dukakis' liberal record. And it looked like Dukakis' march to the White House was unstoppable.
ExposeObama is attempting to raise $300,000 in the next 72 hours to air the commercial nationwide. Readers interested in chipping in for a good cause can visit ExposeObama.com for details.
If ExposeObama doesn't raise enough money, it would be a crime.
by Mondoreb
image: istock
Source: ExposeObama.com

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