Red Planet Cartoons commemorated the annual feeding of the federal Leviathan: April 15th, Tax Day. The above cartoon kicks off an informative post about The Fair Tax.
“[P]assing the FairTax would constitute the biggest transfer of power from government to the people in the history of this republic.”
-–from the book FairTax: The Truth: Answering the Critics by congressman John Linder and Neal Boortz, p.60.
For those who need information on the Fair Tax idea, RPC presents the following, easy-to-digest table.
The FairTax Act (HR 25, S 1025) is nonpartisan legislation. It abolishes all federal personal and corporate income taxes, gift, estate, capital gains, alternative minimum, Social Security, Medicare, and self-employment taxes and replaces them with one simple, visible, federal retail sales tax administered primarily by existing state sales tax authorities… The FairTax: * Enables workers to keep their entire paychecks * Enables retirees to keep their entire pensions * Refunds in advance the tax on purchases of basic necessities * Allows American products to compete fairly * Brings transparency and accountability to tax policy * Ensures Social Security and Medicare funding * Closes all loopholes and brings fairness to taxation * Abolishes the IRS For more: About the Fair Tax |
Red Planet has also lined up an impressive list of individuals endorsing the Fair Tax, from Congressmen to Herman Cain (former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City).
April 15 has come and gone.
But the results of April 15 are everywhere around us.
Every time the Post Office loses one of your letters.
Every time a new government regulation is passed by unelected federal officials.
Every time an elected representative is caught doling out special favors (that is, tax dollars) to his chosen few.
Check out the Fair Tax. Check out Red Planet Cartoons "Tax Day".
The only way the federal government will shrink in power and control is by starving it of tax dollars.
by Mondoreb
image: Red Planet Cartoons
Source: Tax Day

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