Once potential voters get beyond the Barack Obama's fuzzy rhetorical mantra of "Change!", the picture of what an Obama "change" might look like begins to materialize.
Red Planet Cartoons latest is one such picture. It deals with Obama's plan--or rather, non-plan--for dealing with al Qaida, terrorists and Iraq.
RPC has an excerpt from the Washington Time's Donald Lambro's Exposing a Blind Spot:
Sen. John McCain had one goal in mind when his turn came to question Gen. David Petraeus about the Iraq war: to show Sen. Barack Obama didn’t understand the dire threat al Qaeda posed to that country’s survival…
Though he never mentioned the Democratic presidential front-runner by name, Mr. McCain wanted to dismantle one of Mr. Obama’s chief contentions regarding the war: that there is no serious al Qaeda threat in Iraq in terms of a military infrastructure with command centers, bases, etc., and it is time to begin a full withdrawal of all combat forces there.
Mr. Obama has from the beginning maintained that al Qaeda was not in Iraq before the U.S. invasion and only entered the country after Saddam Hussein’s regime was toppled. The Illinois senator’s argument essentially maintains that the U.S. presence in Iraq is the sole cause of the presence of al Qaeda in the country.
RPC reliably dishes up lots of info-rich links to supporting articles.
There are those abroad who would only be too happy to pass Barack Obama a can of gasoline for putting out the fires of terrorism.
by Mondoreb
image: Red Planet Cartoons
* Gasoline on a Fire
* Exposing a Blind Spot
* Obama: Putting out the fires of Jihad with Gasoline

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