Edwards STILL Covering Up Affair and Money
* Rille Hunter and Frances Quinn Hunter Pix
* Team of Six Edwards Donor Lawyers Assisting
* Hunter and Baby Stayed in Virgin Islands with Edwards and Obama Donor, Attorney Lee Rohn
* Edwards and Hunter Slept Together the "First Night They Met"

[Click images to enlarge.]
More bombshells for John Edwards and associates to deal with: the National Enquirer's latest print issue has published even more damaging information on the John Edwards Scandal.
Included on their website, "JOHN EDWARDS BLOCKBUSTER NEW EXPOSE!", is information that will be sure to prompt new questions for the "99% man".

[Picture of the Lee Rohn's Virgin Islands' house where Rielle Hunter and Frances Quinn Hunter stayed while in the Caribbean getaway.]
In what the Enquirer labels as, "Destination: St. Croix in the Virgin Islands!"
THE ENQUIRER tracked Rielle to St. Croix where our reporters discovered Rielle and the baby stayed in a luxurious oceanfront home owned by controversial trial lawyer Lee Rohn, another close friend of Edwards.
When visited by an ENQUIRER reporter on August 15, Rohn snapped a terse “No comment!” when questioned about Hunter.
Former Virgin Island Senator Anne Golden confirmed to THE ENQUIRER that “within 24 hours of their arrival that they were here and staying with Lee Rohn.”
After the ENQUIRER discovered Rielle’s hideaway with Rohn, she was moved to a motel on the island before returning to Santa Barbara on August 17 according to another source.
An ENQUIRER reporter then saw Rielle back in her California home, which is being paid for by Edwards’ former finance chairman Fred Baron.
Rohn has a "controversial" history, according to the Enquirer--and so she does. The native Texan, who is now a resident of the Virgin Islands, is a campaign donor to both John Edwards and Barack Obama.
LBG tracked down more Lee Rohn info:

"On 2/4/2008 Rohn contributed $1300 to Obama For America. On 9/30/2007, Rohn contributed $2300 to John Edwards.
Rohn's a member of the State Bar of Texas; Virgin Islands Bar Association, The Association of Trial Lawyers of America (Member, Leaders Forum), and Virgin Islands Trial Lawyers Association (Founder and Member).
According to a 2004 article in the Virgin Island Daily News, Rohn has had several complaints about her professional conduct including coercing clients to sign false documents, ignoring judge's orders, personal attacks on judges, and profanity in the courtroom."
Source - Virgin Island Daily News
Source - Rohn Law Firm
Source - Rohn Campaign Contributions
The money trail from John Edwards--or perhaps his campaign--continues to unravel as the Enquirer reveals that a team of six more lawyers are involved.
None of this is paid for by Rielle. The money continues to come from Edwards’s network of loyal supporters, with no explanation from Edwards why he is having his friends continue to support Rielle now that the affair has been made public.
Edwards is not only aware of the hush money payoffs but orchestrated it with his team of former campaign advisors and now The ENQUIRER has discovered that a team of six more lawyers have been involved in the coverup and are funneling payments to Hunter, who has no money and no means of support.
The ENQUIRER has also learned that Hunter's own lawyer advised her to allow Edwards to take a paternity test but she refused out of misguided belief that Edwards will marry her after the death of his cancer-stricken wife Elizabeth.
The ENQUIRER’s continuing blockbuster investigation also reveals the disgraced ex-senator is still in constant communication with his mistress!
DBKP also has some financial questions for John Edwards and Fred Baron in a story to be published immediately following the publication of this story. They involve the Edwards' campaign's use of Fred Baron's aircraft and the details, which publicly don't add up.
DBKP will publish updates to this story throughout the early morning as more details become available. The Enquirer's print edition becomes available shortly after 8 am EDT.
by Mondoreb & LBG
images; Lawyers.com; designrelated
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