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Red Planet Cartoons recently addresses the issue of union coercion in "Prepare To Be Carded".
RPC quotes Glenn Spencer's Union’s Card Check Gimmick.
Today, unions represent a scant 7.5 percent of private-sector workers, with the rest of their members employed in government, their only significant growth market. Demographically, the news is even worse: The largest single group of union members is between the ages of 45 and 54, nearing retirement — while just 6 percent of unionized workers are between 16 and 24.
Sadly, many unions seem to be choosing government power and restrictive legislation as their way out of the wilderness, instead of enhancing their value proposition. The AFL-CIO and its affiliates plan to spend $200 million of their members’ money to elect pro-labor candidates in 2008…
Of course, there's much more at Red Planet, including the usual supporting links at the end for readers who want more information.
Anyone who was raised in a family of a union member knows that unions--especially in the construction trades--serve useful purposes. But unions have to argue their cases on its merits and let potential members decide freely--and without fear of possible consequences--for themselves if union membership is in their best interests.
Having someone looking over your shoulder is no good, whether it's company management or union organizers.
The best choice is a free choice.
by Mondoreb
image: Red Planet Cartoons
Source: Prepare to be Carded
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