New York Times' top researcher?
Will the New York Times be known the "Gray Shady Lady" before it becomes the "Gray Bag Lady"?
Today, Gawker takes notice of a disturbing rip-off: [Times Takes Edwards Scandal Info From Blogger Without Credit]
Yesterday the New York Times ran a story about the John Edwards affair, detailing the circumstances behind the meeting of Edwards and Rielle Hunter in a Beverly Hills hotel that ended up getting the ex-VP candidate caught by the National Enquirer. The story includes various bits of background info on Bob McGovern, a new-age friend of Hunter who set up the meeting. Just about all of that background appears to have been taken from a post more than a week earlier on—although the Times didn't credit them at all. That's stealing.
The Mainstream Media has been getting ripped--well, by everyone, but the blogosphere, in particular--for not covering the John Edwards scandal until August 8, when it went from "it's not news" to "Hey, it's 24/7 news".
Now, the MSM is ripping off the bloggers, who along with the National Enquirer, were the only ones to cover the John Edwards scandal for months.
Yesterday, DBKP wrote about the theft of material from both here and website, Deceiver, by the MSM, and one of the reasons behind it.[Mainstream Media Uses Blogosphere as Unpaid Research Wing in Edwards Scandal - UPDATED]
Of course, the MSM wouldn’t have had to resort to these shady practices if just one of the members of their clubby community had investigated allegations surrounding John Edwards nine months ago: but that would’ve put a dent in the invitations to the wine-and-cheese parties.
The only investigation came from the National Enquirer and a few bloggers. But, you wouldn’t know it if you watched the Big Media frenzy of this past weekend. Some stories didn’t even mention the National Enquirer by name–it became an unnamed “tabloid”.
Gawker concludes it piece comparing the Times and Deceiver pieces:
"Deceiver was steadily working this story long before the Times printed one word. All it takes is a one-sentence credit to avoid these things. Play fair."
NOTE: If the MSM had taken Gawker's advice to "play fair" prior to August 8, they'd have no reason to steal now, trying to play catch-up.
by Mondoreb
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