Tuesday, August 12, 2008

John Edwards Scandal: Rielle Hunter Editing Her Own Wikipedia Page?

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"I deleated information about my father that was false. It was an accusation made by a convicted criminal. My father, James Druck was never investigated nor charged with any criminal activity."
--Wikipedia edit made August 23, 5:58 a.m.

Wikipedia and Rielle Hunter are back in the news.

It appears that Reille Hunter, unavailable for comment thus far in the John Edwards scandal, speaking through another means: namely, Wikipedia?

A few weeks ago, Wikipedia was in the news, after a series of online debates at the site had stifled all mention of Rielle Hunter and the Edwards' affair. [John Edwards Love Child Scandal: Debate at Wikipedia Rages and John Edwards Love Child: Wikipedia Editor Defends Go-Slow Policies On Edwards Entry]. Now, Wikipedia not only has a page devoted to "John Edwards' extramarital affair" but to "Rielle Hunter‎"

DBKP's crack research squad alerted us to an interesting edit at the on-line encyclopedia which appears to have been made by Rielle Hunter, or her sister, Melissa, on the "Rielle Hunter" page.


Click on banner to access 80 DBKP stories and videos on the John Edwards scandal.

They emailed with a Heads Up!

Hunter (or her sister?) editing Rielle Hunter Wikipedia article

With the account name ALJDJDD -


Click on the "diff" link on the contributions page for the edits they made.

This is what the page looked like after the edit, at 05:58, 12 August 2008 (hist) (diff) Rielle Hunter

The notation, "(I deleated information about my father that was false. It was an accusation made by a convicted criminal. My father, James Druck was never investigated nor charged with any criminal activity.)" was added on the page. Rielle Hunter was born Lisa Druck.

And this is what the page looked like before the edit: hist) (diff) Rielle Hunter

Click image to enlarge.

Is Rielle Hunter, like millions of American prior to August 8, keeping up with news of the John Edwards scandal on-line?

It would appear that it's either Rielle Hunter or her sister, Melissa--or an internet 'troll'. The latter is also a possibility, as anyone who followed the Megan Meier story at DBKP knows.

The appearance of a troll and DBKP's involvement with that faux blog are detailed in:
"Megan Had it Coming Blog: HOAX!"

DBKP was going to monitor the situation and report later on it; however, with John Edwards giving the go-ahead to the major news organization on August 8 that the John Edwards scandal was now news, we no longer have that luxury.

More on that later.

For now, we'll only welcome the MSM to the story they felt was not news from October 2007 until August 8, 2008.

by Mondoreb

NOTE: ABC News did feel it was important enough to investigate the Edwards allegation in July. They are to be commended: they confronted Edwards--something not one reporter from the MSM did after October 2007--with their investigation and he, in turn, agreed to his Nightline appearance.

Better late than never--but at least someone in the MSM had the wherewithal to investigate Edwards at some point, as well as confront him about the affair.

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