“If you want to know where Al Qaeda lives, you want to know where Bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me. Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down, with a three-star general and three senators at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are.”
--Joe Biden, addressing the National Guard, Baltimore 9-22-08

If life hands you snow, have a ball.
Joe Biden Gets to Ride in a Helicopter
Joe Biden told an audience of National Guardsmen about his the time his helicopter got "forced down" while traveling in Afghanistan--and also got to reference John McCain's "Gates of Hell".
It all started yesterday when Joe Biden was addressing attendees of a National Guard conference in Baltimore. The Democratic nominee for vice president recounted a harrowing experience when he was “forced down” over the mountains of Afghanistan.
“If you want to know where Al Qaeda lives, you want to know where Bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me,” Biden said. “Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down, with a three-star general and three senators at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are.”

"So there I was...Surrounded on all sides by snowballs!"
Biden has substituted "experience in telling a tall tales" for "experience with an actual American enemy" before.
“[T]he superhighway of terror between Pakistan and Afghanistan where my helicopter was forced down…John McCain wants to know where Bin Laden and the gates of Hell are? I can tell him where. That’s where Al Qaeda is. That’s where Bin Laden is. It’s not in the country of Iraq.”
Biden's helecopter was caught in a snowstorm.
Jimmy Orr, Christian Science Monitor, points out, "In both retellings of his story, Biden seemed to have left out the part that it was a snowstorm that forced his chopper down, leading some to think that he was implying that it was brought down by hostile forces."
The McCain campaign reacted to Joe Biden being Joe Biden.
“Biden’s exaggeration of his Afghan helicopter ride is no surprise and reminds us of his daily assignment to embellish and fashion a record for Barack Obama where one simply does not exist,” said McCain spokesman Ben Porritt.
Leftie blogs wonder why rumors continue to fly about Joe Biden being replaced on the ticket in an "October Surprise".
Supposedly, Biden's "health" will be used as an excuse for giving him the heave-ho. His past history with brain aneurysms has been cited as a possible excuse.
But, it might not be that difficult to ease Biden off the ticket.
Maybe, it will snow.
by Mondo

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