For the Policial/Sharp Object Aficionado

What do you do when you're 'Only Knives' and you want to join in on all of the rollicking good fun of an election year?
You make the "Maverick" and "Change" Swiss Army-style pocket knives!
The Maverick includes a tube of Pig red lipstick, while a celebrity meter is among the nifty tools on the Change.
The knives are billed as "A personalized secret weapon for our next great leader."
OnlyKnives is proud to honor the next President of the United States by announcing two unique pocket knives that will be the hit of 2008’s holiday season.
Each multi-tool pocket knife honors one of the two remaining major party candidates for the Presidency and is sure to become an essential tool for our next chief in his struggle to tackle some of the most difficult issues of our time.
The McCain Maverick Knife

"With eight never-before-released tools, ranging from a hanger to incite pro-lifers and pro-choicers alike to a tube of Republican Red pig lipstick, the Maverick is the go-to multi-tool for John McCain’s presidency."
A complete, hilarious description of the Maverick
The Obama Change Knife

"Boasting seven unique tools, from an elephant prod for herding raging Republicans to a celebrity meter for keeping track of Senator Obama’s popularity rating, the Change is the one tool that may vault Barack Obama to even loftier heights than he’s already achieved."
A complete hilarious description of the Change
Available, of course, from "Only Knives".
In politics, as in life, if you want to be sharp, you have to look sharp.
by Mondo
images: Only Knives

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