Rating the Late Night Comics
On Balance in Political Jokes
September 22, 2008

Late night comics jokes: are they "fair and balanced"?
Who cares, right?
It gives us an excuse to put up some jokes under the guise of "research".
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno ● They had the Emmys last night. There were more stars there than at a Barack Obama fundraiser. ● The miniseries “John Adams” set an Emmy record last night — 13 wins. So a guy from the 1700s is still winning today. That’s good news for John McCain. ● The financial crisis is getting worse. A bailout is in the works. Today, Congress declared, “The days of getting money just for the asking, are over.” Then, they asked for $700 billion. ● Bill Clinton was on “The View” yesterday. It was a frustrating appearance for Clinton — it turns out the pretty one is a conservative.
Rating: Even
Late Show with David Letterman
● During the Emmys last night, John McCain asked, “‘Gunsmoke’ win anything?”
● Autumn arrived on schedule . . . at least there’s one thing Bush hasn’t screwed up.
● John McCain was introducing Sarah Palin to world leaders at the U.N. Assembly yesterday. It was nice — it looked like “Bring Your Daughter to Work Day.”
● We’re learning more about John McCain — he has 13 cars. And he can’t remember where he parked any of them.
Rating: -3
Late Night with Conan O'Brien
● The past several days, President Bush has been speaking out about the Wall Street bailout, and today a reporter asked him what he planned to do about AIG. Bush got upset and said, "Why does everyone always spell in front of me?"
● Yesterday at a big campaign rally, Sarah Palin drew a crowd of 60,000 people. After hearing about it, Joe Biden got new glasses and a boob job.
● California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger recently said that in the 1970s he smoked marijuana. Apparently, Arnold got so stoned that you could understand every word he was saying.
● Cuba says Russia is going to help them develop a space program. And then they're going to help Cuba develop a radio.
Rating: Even
Jimmy Kimmel Live!
● Last night were the Emmys on ABC. Best drama went to the Greenbay Packers, I think.
● The big award was for the best actor in a presidential campaign. It went to John McCain. [Video of John McCain saying Sarah Palin is absolutely ready to be president.]
● This is interesting: According to vehicle registration records, John and Cindy McCain own 13 cars, and Barack and Michelle Obama only own one. The McCains have 13 — which, to be fair, is only one for each house.
● The have a Cadillac GTS, a Lexus, 10 rascal scooters, and a hearse.
Rating: -3
The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
No political jokes last night.
Rating: Even
compiled by Mondo
image: dbkp
Source: Late Night Jokes

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