[ABOVE: Americans starting to wise up]
Culture Watch Vol. 89
Nancy Morgan
October 26, 2009
Conservatives who get their news from RightBias.com are already aware of the massive assaults on the Constitution that took place last week - and most are also aware of the fact that it has now been 57 days since General McChrystal told Obama that more troops are desperately needed in Afghanistan.
And the fact that Obama has chosen to wage war on Fox News and the Chamber of Commerce instead of sending reinforcements to our brave warriors who are fighting and dying in Afghanistan.
That said, I've decided most of us need some uplifting news, so this week's issue of Culture Watch will focus on all the:
For the first time in recent years, voters trust Republicans more than Democrats on all 10 key electoral issues regularly tracked by Rasmussen Reports. Sometimes voters are as slow as Obama to recognize reality.
Speaking of Obama, (again and again....) he has suffered the worst 3rd quarter drop in approval ratings since 1953. The 9% point decline is twice the amount of any other post-war elected president. Just so.
Tennessee is joining the growing number of states that are standing up to the federal government, urging states to come together and create a "joint working group between the states" to combat unconstitutional federal legislation and assert state rights. For our liberal readers, we refer you to the 10th Amendment. For Tennesseeans, we say "Way to go!"
Speaking of standing up, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio says he has no intention of bowing to demands from the Obama administration that he stop arresting illegal aliens.
(It seems the only agency to lose its authority under the 287(g) program to operate task forces that can enforce federal immigration laws is Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.)
Bad news for Father Earth, algore: There has been a sharp decline over the past year in the percentage of Americans who say there is solid evidence that global temperatures are rising. And fewer also see global warming as a very serious problem.
Alas, the New York Times is being forced to cut the size of its news staff by 8 percent by the end of the year. Despite losing money and prestige, the NYT still refuses to acknowledge that a good 50% of Americans prefer hard news over liberal ideology.
Last, but not least: For the first time in 35 years, all branches of the military met their recruiting goals for 2009.
New ads are adorning subway stations in New York: they ask the question, written simply over an image of a blue sky with wispy white clouds: "A million New Yorkers are good without God. Are you?"
Andy Schlafly, founder of Conservapedia.com, wants to save the Scriptures from liberals with his latest venture, the Conservative Bible Project. Check it out.
We're sad to inform you that Rosie O'Donnell and her 'wife' appear to be headed for 'divorce.'
History was made without fanfare on last weekend as William and Mary University crowned their first transgendered homecoming queen.
A Denver alternative newspaper recently posted an ad for what some consider the sweetest job in journalism - a reviewer of the state's marijuana dispensaries and their products.
A Danish movie about a gay love affair between two members of a neo-Nazi group won top honors Friday at the Rome Film Festival. Talk about a film that just tugs on my
Politically Correct White Flight: A fascinating analysis of a curious aspect shared by progressive urban havens like Austin, Portland and suchlike: they have relatively few black people in them.
Its now official: The U.S. government is bankrupt.
7 months after the 'stimulus,' 49 of 50 states have lost jobs. Hey, that's only 6 million shy of Obama's promise.
Obama has another TelePrompTer moment and a former Fox News contributor said she had to quit, cause Glenn Beck is just so "scary." By golly, I think I just saw a pig fly right by my window!
So many idiots, so little space. This week's top award goes to the UN. They want 'gender equity' in the war on terror. (Can I say that?) Chris Matthews ties with Gore Vidal for Most Idiotic Statement and we have a huge new number of eco-idiots deserving of recognition. Check out all these idiots here.
If these awards don't make you smile, you must be having a really bad hair day:)
Till next week, take heart. Americans are finally wising up.
Nancy Morgan

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