by Mondoreb & Little Baby Ginn
Something light before breakfast this morning. From the pages of that esteemed German periodical, Der Spiegel comes news that old rich horny guys have one more weapon in their battle to conquer the young and stretchless.
Aging German playboy Rolf Eden has rarely taken no for an answer. And he's not about to start. He has filed charges against a 19-year-old for refusing to sleep with him. The complaint? Ageism.The story goes on to relate the number of women Rolf has been with and that he was apparently quite the Man-About-Berlin in the 1950s and 1960s.
It's no secret that Germany has a problem with ageism. Workers here who lose their jobs after the age of 50 are virtually assured of spending the rest of their lives on the dole. A recent plan to up the retirement age to 67 was lampooned because most Germans of that age are no longer employed anyway.
But aging German playboy Rolf Eden seems to have developed a somewhat warped view of what age discrimination actually is. According to Bild Zeitung on Thursday, the 77-year-old Eden has filed suit against a 19-year-old Berlin woman for the following reason: Despite a night on the town with Eden, which ended back at his place, she refused to have sex with him, saying the he was too old for her.
"That was shattering. No woman has ever said that to me before," Eden told the tabloid. "I was crushed." He has filed charges with the prosecutors' office, he said. "After all, there are laws against discrimination."
And geezers everywhere are now reaching for their lawyer's number.
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