by mondoreb
[graphic: RidesAPaleHorse]
UPDATE: Sorta...
A few days ago this Daily Mail article appeared. Or one like it.
The human race will one day split into two separate species, an attractive, intelligent ruling elite and an underclass of dim-witted, ugly goblin-like creatures, according to a top scientist.DBKP then did an article,Human Race to Divide into Two Sub-Species: What it Means for Left and Right. In it we basically said:
Now, the urge is strong to lament that it's going to take 100,000 years before the political spectrum divides itself clearly into the two branches that today we call "Left" and "Right". Left wingers will immediately recognize the knuckle-dragging, dim-witted, squat sub-species as the conservatives that they've come to know and love, so to speak.
However, as has been pointed out before, the Left with its fond attachment to things death-related, abortion rights and right-to-die primarily, may have trouble reproducing in the numbers neccesary to ensure the survival of the sub-species.
Before the Right injures itself, leaping into the air and high-fiving, there are counter-balancing forces: the Right's championing of the death penalty and fondness for action over words, i.e., war. Of course, the eagerness to wage war is a football that gets passed back and forth over the decades. It's only been 30 years ago that old-timers confidently asserted "Republicans get the country into depressions, Democrats, into wars."
So, how to react after reading the story? Breathe a sigh of relief that humanity has another 100,000 years to sort itself out? Shudder at this Brave New World prediction from a member of academia?
After careful consideration, one is prompted to head to the friendly confines of the nearest tavern; and once there, filled with a steely resolve to check out the cute auburn-haired chick in the heels standing by the door.
RidesAPaleHorse then responded: "I just couldn't help myself" and sent us the above.
And now, the first thing out of the box on a rainy Saturday sub-morning, we're praising his lack of self-control.
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