Dog's son, Punk put him in the doghouse.
Duane Chapman, aka Dog the Bounty Hunter's, son, Punk, sold the old man out for 30 pieces of silver.
Television bounty hunter Duane "Dog" Chapman's son taped a private phone conversation in which the reality star used a racial slur repeatedly, then sold it to a tabloid for "a lot of money," Chapman's lawyer said Thursday.
"I guess because of whatever level of anger he had of his father, he felt the need to express it in that manner," attorney Brook Hart told The Associated Press.
Tucker Chapman could not be reached for comment; no one answered the telephone at a Honolulu number listed under his name.
The National Enquirer on Wednesday posted on its Web site a clip of a conversation in which Duane Chapman, star of the hit A&E series "Dog the Bounty Hunter," repeatedly used the N-word in reference to Tucker's girlfriend.
Chapman later apologized to his son and the woman, then learned about how the tape got into the tabloid's hands, Hart said.
A & E now says Series "Not Canceled", Only "Suspended"
A&E has suspended production of the series, saying the network takes the matter seriously.
"When the inquiry is concluded, we will take appropriate action," A&E spokesman Michael Feeney said in a statement Thursday.
The show, in its fifth season and one of A&E's top-rated programs, has not been canceled.
--From CNN
and the National Enquirer.
Click here for SHORT VERSION of the Dog the Bounty Hunter N-Word Audio Tapes.
Dog the Bounty Hunter is still planning on meeting with black leaders in attempts at rehabilitation.
CLiCK HERE for Audio full version.
More Dog the Bounty Hunter Stories:
FULL STORY:Dog the Bounty Hunter Canceled for Use of N-Word Click Here.
Dog the Bounty Hunter Hopes to Meet with Black Leaders Click Here
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