Friday, February 15, 2008

Graphic Novel "The Infidel": The Powerful Anti-Jihad Adventures of Pigman

"PIGMAN" and "INFIDEL" are Anti-PC Medicine

Talk about politically incorrect.

Artist BOSCH FAWTIN is working on his second anti-Jihad graphic novel, "Infidel". The artist, who previously introduced anti-jihadi hero "Pigman" in his novel "Table for One", is not your typical wishy-washy multiculturalist cartoonist.

The graphic novel will detail the adventures of Pigman, who is in reality, Howard Pork.

CORRECTIIONS/UPDATE: A few errors in this post. Let's clear them up before you read further.

Bosch Fawstin's first book, Table for One doesn't take on Jihad and has nothing to do with The Infidel/Pigman, but it does take place in New York weeks after 9/11 in an underground restaurant, and it has some commentary on the attacks, but not much more.

Pigman will debut in The Infidel. The hero of The Infidel, Killian Duke, is an ex-Muslim who creates the Pigman comic, which further pushes the conflict between him and his born again Muslim twin brother Salaam Duka.

The 'Howard Pork' name is actually a pun about the nature of the main character, Killian Duke, being a Howard Roark type character of rock solid integrity. Roark being the hero of Ayn Rand's great novel The Fountainhead. The short line the author used to describe the book is 'Dirty Harry as a waiter.'

Also, the t-shirt we quoted should have been written: 'War is Ugly, Jihad is Uglier, Time to get Ugly. PIGTIME!' Fawstin's point is that war is hell, but Jihad is worse, and that's truth.

Okay, everything's fixed, read on!

Fawstin opens his blog with an introduction of the artist and his work.
Welcome to my blog. I'm a cartoonist who's currently working on my second graphic novel, THE INFIDEL, about twin brothers whose Muslim background comes to the forefront of their lives on 9/11.

One responds by creating a counter-jihad superhero comic book called PIGMAN, as the other surrenders to Islam and follows it to wherever it leads him. So take a look around, share your thoughts, and if you want to reach me directly, or if you're interested in commissioning original artwork by me of my characters, etc., contact me. And if you're a publisher with the nerve to take this on, I'm all ears.

Fawstin has some telling quotes on his site. Euro-weenie political elites would do well to pay attention to our two favorites.

"Muslims are the first victims of Islam.......To liberate the Muslim from his religion is the best service that one can render him."
-Ernest Renan

"No stronger retrograde force exists in the world."

-Winston Churchill on Islam

Fawstin's first graphic novel, "Table for One" is available now at For anyone looking for killer graphics, it's a treasure trove.

Order "Table for One" from Amazon.

Fawstin also has Pigman T-shirts and graphic stickers available for sale.

If you want to be the talk of the next anti-Jihad cocktail party you go to, a "War is Ugly, War is Uglier, Time to get Ugly. PIGTIME!" T-shirt might just be what the anti-Jihadi doctor ordered.

Order Pigman and Infidel T-shirts and merchandise.

PIGMAN: The Icon against jihad. Pigman is a ruthless, counter-jihad superhero comic book created by an ex-Muslim cartoonist as a response to 9/11. It brings Pigman's creator face to face with the enemy in the form of his brother. From the upcoming graphic novel THE INFIDEL by Bosch Fawstin.

Bosch Fawstin Bio: Cartoonist whose debut graphic novel, Table for One , received the praise of Alex Toth and an Eisner Award nomination. Along with having this blog as a place where I can post my thoughts and have an online portfolio of my sketches & commission work, it's also the first place you'll find new images of my upcoming graphic novel, The Infidel, featuring Pigman, as they're created and posted here.

As you can see from the illustrations here, the powerful cartooning is anything but wishy-washy.

If you've had it up to here with multicultural apologists during these times of terror alerts, fatwas and calls for submission, the work of Bosch Fawstin is just the remedy.

Fawstin regularly updates his blog with images from the upcoming "Infidel" graphic novel, so repeat visits will yield the visitor new anti-Jihad pictures.

One of Fawstin's works might also make the perfect gift for that professor or friend who's always presenting reasons why 21st Western civilization is no match for the forces of a 7th century religion.

We're sure that Fawstin isn't a favorite in the Saudi kingdom and equally as sure that he's probably already been called all those favorite pejoratives that fall on those who beg to differ with the submission requests of the politically correct crowd.

For more graphics, Pigman merchandise, and updates on when the graphic novel, "The Infidel", will be available for sale and information on "The Infidel" featuring Pigman, visit Bosch Fawstin's The Infidel blog.

It is anti-PC,anti-jihad cartooning at its finest.

by Mondoreb
images: Bosch Fawstin "The Infidel"
Source: Bosch Fawstin


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