Sunday, September 9, 2007

Video: Latest bin Laden Video Could be Made by DNC


The AP's Paul Haven summed up the latest Osama bin Laden video release thusly:
Osama bin Laden's latest message is a hodgepodge of anti-capitalist vitriol, impassioned Islamic evangelism and what can best be described as a twisted attempt at reconciliation: Join us, or we will kill you.
What strikes one is that Bin Laden's latest "YouTube Moment" could have been written by any of the Democratic Party candidates. Hard to tell Osama from Obama without a program. In fact, B.Hussein Obama's expressed aim to "bomb Pakistan" is cut from the same cloth as the Al-Quaida mastermind.

With a little post-editing, the video could be used as a DNC press release. And, it had none of the annoying hedging, denials, confirmations and flip-flops that accompany any of the Hillary Spin Corps clarifications: how her vote for the Iraqi War was really a vote against the war and one for affordable health care for ALL Americans.

Of course, someone from France was quick to point out
bin Laden was well aware that his reappearance on the world stage, looking fit and calm despite his years on the run, was itself a victory that went way beyond anything he actually said.

This came from Anne Giudicelli, a former French diplomat specializing in the Middle East who now runs the Paris-based consultancy Terrorisc. Leave it to the French to spin the video's pasty images of bin Laden into a glowing picture of health. In my mind, bin Laden looked only slightly more 'fit and calm' than one of those blow-up clowns kids are fond of bopping.

A homeland security advisor for President Bush had her own take:
"This is about the best he can do," Frances Fragos Townsend said about the fugitive al-Qaida leader whose terrorist network is believed to be regrouping in the lawless Pakistan-Afghanistan border region.

She went on to add,
"This is a man on a run, from a cave, who's virtually impotent other than these tapes."

Despite this easy set-up, I refuse to include at this point another joke on bin Laden's notoriously microscopic manhood. I do have standards.

Which is more than many of the usual Mainstream Media Mouthpieces can say. Typical coverage ranged from 'uncritical' at best to 'breathlessly anxious'--much like the Goth chick down the street as she's waiting for her prom date.

by Mondoreb
* Bin Laden "Impotent"
* Bin Laden's Message: I'm still out here - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.


  1. Which is more than many of the usual Mainstream Media Mouthpieces can say. Typical coverage ranged from 'uncritical' at best to 'breathlessly anxious'--much like the Goth chick down the street as she's waiting for her prom date.

    Makes me think back to back in the 90's when Bin Laden declared war on us. No one paid attention.

    No matter how rambling, strange, or whatever, pay attention...

    Always ... pay... attention..

    We are at war with these crazy fuckers.

    Lil Baby Ginn

  2. We are at war with these crazy fuckers.

    You have distilled the essence of the whole War on Terror. It's not about giving police departments in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, new vests for their drug dogs or a 'War on Terror' museum.

    We ARE at war with the crazy fuckers.

  3. BabbaZee:are you Earth 2 Moonbat?

    BabbaZee! At last we meet--sorta.
    I called MandyManners "the fastest music-linker in the biz". She demurred, insisting that she was 2nd "behind BabbaZee". I told her, "I must learn more about theeese, theeeese BabbaZee!"

    And here you are!

    I'm on at LGF as mondoreb.
    My parents only had a few pages of the "Baby Name Book" when I was born.

    It was either mondoreb or mortimer or mickey.


  4. There is more chat on the blogs that the tape was heavily edited right before contemporaneous citations. Lips do not match perfectly. So Why the cut and paste?

  5. I beg to disagree about us being at war with these fuckers.

    In truth, we are at fucking around at being at war with these fuckers.

    Too many rules, too much collusion, too many trials, too few hangings. Too much talk and not enough action.

    Being at war means never having to say your sorry, because your not.

    There is no war but total war.


  6. PAT: There is more chat on the blogs that the tape was heavily edited right before contemporaneous citations. Lips do not match perfectly. So Why the cut and paste?

    Sometimes, watching one of these bin Laden videotapes is like catching a rerun of "Weekend at Bernie's" on the late-night moveie channel.

  7. MADDOG I beg to disagree about us being at war with these fuckers.
    In truth, we are at fucking around at being at war with these fuckers.

    Too many rules, too much collusion, too many trials, too few hangings. Too much talk and not enough action.

    Being at war means never having to say your sorry, because your not.
    There is no war but total war.

    America's enemies weren't nearly as considerate on 911, huh?

    It's nothing that won't change, maybe, next time there's a mushroom cloud spotted over Kansas City.

    Of course, Keith Olbermann's probably got that episode of Countdown already cued up: he'll list all the ways it was America's fault.


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