by Mondoreb
Is a Virginia school a beachhead for radical Islam or just a simple school. Federal authorities have recommended the Saudi-based school close. From the AP:
One wonders why our good friends the Saudis are financing a school in the United states. What on earth could be their reasons? The school naturally disagreed with the findings. As The Captain's Quarters'x Ed Morissey posted:
McLEAN, Va. (AP) -- A private Islamic school supported by the Saudi government should be shut down until the U.S. government can ensure the school is not fostering radical Islam, a federal panel recommends.
In a report released Thursday, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom broadly criticized what it calls a lack of religious freedom in Saudi society and promotion of religious extremism at Saudi schools.
Particular criticism is leveled at the Islamic Saudi Academy, a private school serving nearly 1,000 students in grades K-12 at two campuses in northern Virginia's Fairfax County.
The school itself disputed the report, at least as far as it concerned ISA. The Virginia school's director complained that the USCIRF had not contacted the school, nor had it reviewed the textbooks in use now. After a series of negative reports following 9/11, ISA claims it has replaced those texts with new books that do not contain any negative references to other religions, and that the Saudis consider ISA a model for school reform.So the Saudis are interested in funding schools in the USA. It's noble for a kingdom that prohibits even the possession of a Bible within its borders to be financing schools in infidel America. Perhaps they find it pleasant.
Like a day at the beach.
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