You are either with us, against us, or nothing at all. We are Anonymous, we are legion. We do not forgive, we do not forget. Run and hide.
Anonymous - Message Number III
The Internet has become the stage for an epic web battle between the forces of the religion of Scientology and its newly sworn enemy, Anonymous.
FOX 11 News video report on "Anonymous".
FOX 11 calls Anonymous, "hackers on steriods".
The group has issued three videos on the popular website YouTube announcing their intention to "destroy" Scientology, a "religion" founded by the late science fiction writer, L. Ron Hubbard. They also issued a stern warning to everyone else, get out of the way or face the "consequences."
Finally, we must warn you. Anyone who tries to slow, hinder, damage, expose or stop the crusade of Anonymous will let our wrath be fully directed at. This is not a threat this is a promise. If you want to be fair and balanced about this issue then stand aside like the sheep that you are.
Anonymous, Message Number III
The first Anonymous video was released on Youtube on January 27. Titled "Anonymous Address to the people" the 54 second video is surreal.
Greetings, people of Earth, we are Anonymous. Scientology is your enemy. By their own admission, they will lie, cheat, steal, and murder every one of you that gets in their way.
Scientology equals slavery. Only you, the people, can stop this brutal regime before it's too late . Anonymous calls upon all of us, if there is a time to step up and do your part, that time is now.
We are Anonymous, we are legion. We do not forgive, we do not forget.
Titled "Anonymous Second Address to Scientology" the 1:20 video was added to Youtube on January 25.
The message is directed to the Scientologists, "We are are Anonymous. You have seen our actions, both online and in your cities. We do not threaten you, we threaten the lies, the corruption, and the greed of the organization".
Anonymous speaks to the members of Scientology, "There are those who have left your community. They have seen the facts behind the leader," referring to Hubbard, "and the original intent of the religion."
Anonymous talks about "beliefs". Scientologists have been referred to as "cult members."
"Your religious beliefs are not owned by any religion" and your beliefs are "yours to keep."
"Beliefs should not come at a price, not from your wallet or compromising your thoughts."
"You may not believe us. We ask one thing: Make up your own mind."
"You are not alone."
Video Three is quite different.
Greetings once again, Church of Scientology, this is Anonymous. As we speak to you now vast numbers of our legion are gathering to confront you on the digital battlefield.There's also a warning to others:
Finally, we must warn you. Anyone who tries to slow, hinder, damage, expose or stop the crusade of Anonymous will let our wrath be fully directed at. This is not a threat this is a promise. If you want to be fair and balanced about this issue then stand aside like the sheep that you are.Where does DBKP stand on this brewing Web War?
Staying neutral will not leave you out of the fight, it will only put you in the crossfire.
You are either with us, against us, or nothing at all.
We know nothing. Absolutely, positively... nothing.
Source - DBKP - 'Anonymous' Hackers Vow to Destroy Scientology
Video - Youtube
Video - Youtube - FOX 11
Video - Youtube - Anonymous I
Video - Youtube - Anonymous II - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.
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