Friday, February 8, 2008

Jack Murtha ABSCAM Complete Video

A reminder for the PA campaign trail

Unedited video of Jack Murtha negotiating with FBI agent--Murtha thought he was representing a rich Middle Eastern sheik looking for favors--for his share of ABSCAM bribes.

Video obtained by the American Spectator under the Freedom of Information Act. [Sept 2006]

At about the 11 minute mark, the FBI guy and Murtha get down to brass tacks: how to set up the $50,000 bribe with the least amount of muss and fuss.
Although never indicted or prosecuted, he was named an "unindicted co-conspirator" in the scandal.

"You know, we do business for a while, maybe I'll be interested..." - causing many to question what role he may have played had the operation not been ended early due to media exposure.

Although Murtha's central Pennsylvania constituents have long supported Democrat leader--who branded the Haditha Marines "cold-blooded killers" and has never apologized for the remark--the tape would make for some interesting campaign trail questions, even among the pork-happy Pennsylvanians of Johnstown.

One such question might be, "Congressman Murtha, how long will it be before you will be interested in doing any business with the Haditha Marines?"

by Mondoreb
image: patdollard
Source: Wikipedia - ABSCAM


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