Sunday, February 10, 2008

Trench Reynolds: DBKP This Week in Crime

March 2nd-8th,2008

I'm Trench Reynolds.

I blog about crime.

This is the DBKP Week in Crime for March 2nd-8th,2008.

At craigscrimelist I posted about what happened to one family when a father hired a baby sitter from craigslist. Let's just say he had buyer's remorse.

I know how much you guys like Taser stories so at I posted a story about an off duty cop who Tasered a cow. The cow didn't even get the worst of it.

There was a clear leader for story of the week at News of Doom. It was story about a Florida 'father; who was charged with 350 counts of sexually and abusing his children for 6 years.

That story catapulted Florida into first place.

At MyCrimeSpace the story that garnered the most attention this week was when I posted the MySpace profiles of three of the four suspects accused in murdering the Caffey family from Texas.

Speaking of the Caffey family at Psycho for Love I posted about how the motive behind the family's murder was something as petty as the Caffey's teenage daughter not being allowed to see her boyfriend.

And lastly at TheTrenchcoat Chronicles I posted about a school shooting plot in New Jersey that was foiled. One of the participants was a member of the New Jersey National Guard and the other was a guard wannabe.

And if you want to follow my non-crime related ramblings you can check out my personal blog or my Twitter feed.

That's it for this week. Until next time I'm Trench Reynolds.

Be careful out there.

by Trench Reynolds
[image: Trench Reynolds]

For more crime, more Trench Reynolds, check out the Trench Network:
-- - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

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