I'm Trench Reynolds.
I blog about crime.
This is the DBKP Week in Crime for February 24th-March 1st, 2008
At craigscrimelist I posted about one of the many downsides to being a craigslist hooker, people will not believe your rape allegations.
I've always had a fascination with mugshots that have a story behind them. So this week at CrimeNe.ws I posted not one but two mugshots of guys who obviously messed with the wrong person.
At News of Doom there were two stories of mass outrage this week. The first one was about the two teens from Ohio who beat and tortured a girl who was recovering from brain surgery. The second one was a 'mother' from New York who drowned and poisoned her kids.
New York leads the scoring right now but Texas is hot on its heels. 3-time champion Florida drops to 6th place.
This story will probably be of particular interest to readers of DBKP. AT MyCrimeSpace I recently posted that there will be no criminal charges brought against the people responsible for 'Megan Had It Coming'.
At Psycho for Love I posted that S&M sex may be hazardous to the health of Canadian women.
And lastly at TheTrenchcoat Chronicles I posted about a school shooting plot in Oklahoma that has a strange connection to a more infamous school shooting.
That's it for this week. Until next time I'm Trench Reynolds, hoping that you don't end up on my blogs.
That's it for this week.
Until next time I'm Trench Reynolds.
Stay safe.
by Trench Reynolds
[image: Trench Reynolds]
For more crime, more Trench Reynolds, check out the Trench Network: -- http://thetrenchcoat.com http://newsofdoom.com http://trenchreynolds.com http://mycrimespace.com http://craigscrimelist.org http://crimene.ws http://psychoforlove.com http://blog.thetrenchcoat.com |

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