Saturday, December 22, 2007

John Edwards Love Child Scandal: DBKP Library

Over 20 DBKP stories on the John Edwards Love Child Scandal. Includes links to the original three reports from the National Enquirer.

Death by 1000 Papercuts LIBRARY

at 10:20 am EST January 13, 2008

* The SS John Edwards Love Child Scandal Sets Sail

* Rielle Hunter Housed by Former NBA Player

* The Edwards Scandal, The Press, The Enquirer and the Blogosphere

* Country Club Courtesan

* Curious Circumstances Excite No Curiosity in the Mainstream Media

* Why Did Rielle Hunter Denounce the National Enquirer NINE WEEKS Before the Paper Would Name Her as the "Other Woman?

* 30 Love Child Scandal Quotes

* The "Interview" That Never Happened

* Source Too 'Tainted For MSM?

* Rielle Hunter: 'Kept Woman'

* UPDATE: Hunter Living in Edwards Backer's House

* Enquirer Update and New Questions!

* CBS Interested Now? Mysterious Videos

* 10 Things We Now Know About the John Edwards Love Child Scandal

* ENQUIRER Fires Second Salvo at Edwards

* John Edwards Love Child Scandal Has Hit the Stands

* QUIZ: Name that Scandal!

* Edwards Scandal? Surf's Up!

* Is This Thing Still On or What?

* Hunter Still Living the "Life of Rielle"

* Edwards Alleged Love Child: Clintons Orchestrated Rumor?

* DBKP World Exclusive! Photos of the Pair??

* Who Is Rielle Hunter?

* John Edwards Shared More Than Shampoo With Rielle Hunter?

* Original Enquirer John Edwards Love Child Story
--original story of October 10, 2007 - The Enquirer talks of an unnamed "other woman".

* John Edwards Love Child Scandal
--First installment of December 19, 2007 story - The Enquirer named the "other woman". Rielle Hunter, a former producer of a campaign video for Edwards.

* More on John Edwards Love Child Scandal
--UPDATE on the December 19, 2007 story - The Enquirer publishes a picture of a pregnant Rielle Hunter, as well as some interesting info on Rielle's living arrangements.

* John Edwards Love Child Scandal: DBKP Library

compiled by Mondoreb
[image: nationalenquirer]


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