Saturday, November 17, 2007

Feminists Make Better Mates
Claim New Study by Feminist

At right: Noted feminist Andrea Dworkin

Feminists are passion powerhouses?

According to a study by a Rutger's professor, if it's lovin' you're craving: date a feminist, you'll be ravin'.

Or something like that. From the City of the Big Shoulders comes the following story about a big study: "Feminists Make Better Mates" in the Chicago Tribune.
Take a feminist out to dinner.

That's the advice of a social psychologist who concludes in a new study that feminists make better partners and have stronger romantic relationships.

Laurie Rudman of Rutgers University had found in earlier research that negative stereotypes of feminists--that they're unattractive, man-hating lesbians, in a nutshell--cause young adults to distance themselves from the "F-word" and tone down their demands for equality. A majority of college-age respondents agreed with such statements as "Most men would probably not want to date a feminist" and "Romance depends, in part, on men being allowed to be in charge."
So, the stereotype that feminists are unattractive is just so much bullhockey? It may be so, but if the study group includes feminists of the radical kind, we'd say there's reason to be skeptical of the study's findings.

That's leaving aside the fact that the study's author, Dr. Rudman, was alarmed by news that feminists were perceived to be unattractive. And forget the fact that there are no facts--the data itself is largely subjective. It's like proclaiming Howard Dean the president after looking at fund-raising and polling data from 2003.

Oh wait. There were those who actually did that.

Maybe they qualified for grant money for a study, too.

Back to the notion that feminists are unattractive man-haters. We picked out some photos of who's listed in Wikipedia under "Feminists". Those are the pictures you see accompanying this story. Are these famous feminists femme fatales?

We'll leave that for the reader to judge. But as stated before, Rudman was alarmed.
This was alarming to Rudman, who is old enough to remember the heyday of the women's rights movement in the 1970s. Continued efforts to achieve gender equality could be seriously hurt, she reasoned, if women (and men) think it comes at the expense of love.

The story goes on--and on and on.

Someone is alarmed that there's a stereotype that feminists are an unappealing lot, does a study where the "measurement" involves asking people what they think, then publishes the results.

Voila! Proof that feminists are really closet Paris Hiltons. This "proof" will be little consolation to the feminists who spend next Saturday night at home with a gallon of Haagen-Dazs reading Rudman's study.

Read the Tribune's story. If you are so inclined, find the study and read it. Maybe re-read this story. Then make up your own mind. That seems to be the fairest way. Besides, this story is at its end.

Looking for pictures of attractive feminists "proved" to be exhausting work.

by Mondoreb


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Failed War on Drugs:
November Edition

The November Edition/Carnival of the Failed War on Drugs has LOTS of links to stories of interest from around the web.

Special thanks to Stop the Drug War for answering our call for links to reference material for this edition.

1 We'll start out with a story we did last month that asks the pertinent question: What's up with Britney's erratic behavior?
Does Britney Have an Oxycotin Problem?

2 A plethora of great links, sent by:

Stop the Drug War

And that's the November Edition of The Failed War on Drugs. If you have a link to a good source, graphic or story you've done or know about, pass it along to
December Edition: December 15, 2007

Editions archived at: The Failed War on Drugs.

by Hummmbert


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Cat Optimistic After Grizzly Attack, Eight Lives Left

If only animals could talk. I'd track down Banger the cat and get an interview. Have him jot down his story, become his agent.

Banger: When I was between the jaws of the grizzly I was reminded of what of Asimov said:

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - The night Banger the cat vanished, a neighbor heard the black-and-gray tabby yowling. He ran outside and saw Banger dangling from the mouth of a grizzly that had roamed into the yard and left with a cat snack.

So much for Banger, owner Allison Sayer figured.

Until two weeks ago.

Four months after disappearing into the Eagle River woods, the cat reappeared less than half a mile from where it was last seen, 2 pounds lighter but otherwise intact.

Banger's fantastic journey lasted another week, long enough for a visit to the vet and plane ride to her owner's new home in Sitka.

Source - Anchorage Daily News - Cat Beats Odds Against Grizzly

Happily for Banger his nine lives came in handy. Hopefully the next eight will be less eventful.


Image []

Digg! - Bigger, Better!.
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Democratic Debates:
All the Candidates the Same

Special Correspondent RidesAPaleHorse sent us back these unique views from the Dem debates in Las Vegas.

[graphics: RAPH]


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

MySpace Suicide:
The Megan Meier Story Video

MySpace Suicide: The Story Of Megan Meier - Watch more amazing videos here
The tragic story of Megan Meier, victim of a cruel MySpace hoax which led to her suicide.

by Mondoreb
& Little Baby Ginn

More on the Megan Meier MySpace Suicide:

Supposedly an ex-friend of Megan's replies to our stories in
"Megan Had It Coming"

MySpace Suicide:
Megan Meier's Story May Prevent Others

MySpace Suicide Reaction:
Outrage! Outrage! Outrage!

MySpace Cruel Prank Leads To Teen’s Suicide


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Megan Meier MySpace Cruel Hoax:
No Justice For Megan

Blue Crab Boulevard weighs in on the Megan Meier MySpace story:
An adult perpetrated an internet vendetta against a 13-year old girl? Even if the goal was to hurt her feelings or emotionally wound her - a grown-up (supposed grown-up) against a child? As I mentioned last night, I have no flexibility on this issue. This is the abuse by an adult on a child. Nobody can bring Megan back, but somebody should damn sure pay for this.
Source - Blue Crab Boulevard - Web Hoax Or Homocide

We've done four stories on Megan. Our outrage has not lessened. We agree with Blue Crab. An adult went after a child, and yes, Megan was still a child.

An adult who used the internet and MySpace to weave a web of lies and deceit, to set the child up and then strike like a snake in the grass: the letter of "condolence" from the perpetrators; the last note from "Josh" to Megan.
Later that day, Ron opened his daughter's MySpace account and viewed what he believes to be the final message Megan saw - one the FBI would be unable to retrieve from the hard drive.

It was from Josh and, according to Ron's best recollection, it said, "Everybody in O'Fallon knows how you are. You are a bad person and everybody hates you. Have a shitty rest of your life. The world would be a better place without you."

Our question is this: Do the hoaxers realize the enormity of what they have done?

If first you practice to deceive...


More on the Megan Meier MySpace Suicide:

Supposedly an ex-friend of Megan's replies to our stories in
"Megan Had It Coming"

MySpace Suicide:
Megan Meier's Story May Prevent Others

MySpace Suicide: The Megan Meier Story - Video

MySpace Suicide Reaction:
Outrage! Outrage! Outrage!

MySpace Cruel Prank Leads To Teen’s Suicide

Digg! - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Ron Paul Pictures Wanted

Want to help the Ron Paul cause? Now you can.

DBKP Video is looking for Ron Paul pictures and graphics.

What's needed:

1- Any photos of large enthusiastic Ron Paul crowds. The more colorful the better.

2- Any pictures of work on the huge Interstate Ron Paul signs. Both when they were being built and the completed signs are welcome.

3- Photoshops of with Ron Paul in them. There's a ton of great ones out there. Do you have any? Humorous or patriotic ones especially are wanted.

4- Pictures of an older person (the older the better) with a Ron Paul hat or holding a Ron Paul sign, or both. Also, child 3-5 holding a Ron Paul sign or wearing Ron Paul hat or both. Two children 3-5 with RPaul hats and holding a larger sign might also be needed. Remember to smile!

There's no money involved, but you'll be compensated in three ways:

1- You'll be helping out a good cause. Studies prove people who participate in volunteer activities sleep better at night.
2- If we use your picture, you'll be mentioned in the credits.
3- You'll have something to talk about around the water cooler at work.

IMPORTANT: Make sure these pictures, photos and graphics are yours (or someone you know) and not someone else's. Simple as that. The same goes with Photoshops pictures; they have to be your photoshops.

Send all pictures to: dbkpvideo@

Thank you and let's get them in.

by Mondoreb

Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Megan Meier MySpace Suicide: Cruel Hoaxers Outed, Let The Lesser Outrage Begin

We first wrote about Megan last Monday. The reactions to the story were those of disgust, horror, anger, and outrage.

Outrage over the death of 14-yr.-old Megan Meiers, a girl targeted by the perpetrators of a vicious hoax. Outrage that no charges have been filed.

Lastly, outrage at the paper who broke the story, the St. Louis Dispatch Suburban Journal, and their decision to not identify the hoaxers. The names of the "alleged" hoaxers have now been outed by bloggers.

MySpace Cruel Prank Leads To Teen's Suicide

A cruel and unbelievably vicious prank perpetrated upon a young girl has stripped away the "Leave It To Beaver" veneer of a suburban St. Louis neighborhood. A fourteen year old girl is dead by her own hand, her parents shattered, and in disbelief, wondering if there will ever be justice for their daughter.

"Fourteen years old, Megan was a victim of a cruel hoax on MySpace. The end result of the hoax, Megan is dead by her own hand, the hoaxer exposed as parents of a former friend of Megan's. The story was published on November 13 by the St. Louis Dispatch Suburban Journal in Missouri. The paper made the decision not to publish the names of the hoaxers. Their excuse, because the hoaxers had a child of their own and the fact that they had not been charged with any crime."

Source - MySpace Cruel Prank Leads To Teen's Suicide

14-yr-old Megan Meier

The original story provided enough clues to the identity of the hoaxers, plus the fact that the parents of Megan had unknowingly stored a foosball table that belonged to the hoaxers in their garage:

"The day after Megan's death, they went down the street to comfort the family of the girl who had once been Megan's friend. They let the girl and her family know that although she and Megan had their ups and down, Megan valued her friendship.
They also attended the girl's birthday party, although Ron had to leave when it came time to sing "Happy Birthday." The Meiers went to the father's 50th birthday celebration. In addition, the Meiers stored a foosball table of the hoaxers in their garage"

The paper went on to describe how, six weeks after Megan's sad death, her parents were informed that their precious daughter was the victim of a cruel hoax through the site, That the perpetrators were the people, who after Megan's death, had asked Megan's parents if they could store their foosball table in the Meier's garage, as well as the parents of one of Megan's one time "best friends". The paper reported that, upon of learning the gruesome details of what had happened to their daughter and who was behind it, Megan's father destroyed the foosball table.
"Tina used an ax and Ron a sledgehammer. They put the pieces in Ron's pickup and dumped them in their neighbor's driveway. Tina spray painted "Merry Christmas" on the box."

The cruel hoaxers filed a police report over the destruction of their foosball table. They also sent a "condolence" note to Megan's parents:
"In a letter dated Nov. 30, 2006, the family tells Ron and Tina, "We are sorry for the extreme pain you are going through and can only imagine how difficult it must be. We have every compassion for you and your family."

Outraged by the decision of the Suburban Journal to not report the names of the "alleged" hoaxers, bloggers quickly went to work:
"Anyway, then I had a conversation with Steve "Pokin Around" Pokin, the columnist who broke the story of Megan's tragic story after her aunt called him up upon reading his slightly-less-disturbing tale of a teenage Myspace tormentor who eventually got charged with "littering."

Steve didn't really want to go too deeply into things, though he claimed that he was pretty sure not naming Curt and Lori Drew was the right decision, to which I said, "Um, those fuckers will be named SOON ENOUGH." And when I asked him whether the Drews -- he confirmed the names, though I'm not sure he meant to -- seemed ready to take responsibility or atone for their actions in any way, he said, "I don't know. All I know about that is in the story. I'm thinking that's a "not so much."

Source - Jezebel - Are The Parents Who MySpace-Tormented Megan Meier Into Killing Herself Ready To Atone? Um...

There will be those who will be "outraged" over the reporting of the names of the hoaxers. A "lesser" form of outrage than the outrage over the details of what happened to Megan.

The moral of this story?

Instant Karma.


Source - Suburban Journals - My Space' hoax ends with suicide of Dardenne Prairie teen

More on Megan:

Supposedly an ex-friend of Megan's replies to our stories in, "Megan Had It Coming"

MySpace Suicide: The Megan Meier Story - Video

Megan Meier MySpace Suicide Cruel Hoax: No Justice for Megan
MySpace Suicide:
Megan Meier's Story May Prevent Others

MySpace Suicide Reaction:
Outrage! Outrage! Outrage!

MySpace Cruel Prank Leads To Teen’s Suicide

Digg! - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Ron Paul 30-second Video Contest

The Ron Paul campaign is looking for a few good videos. Well, one video to be exact, but the campaign is looking for a video to air during the CNN/Youtube Republican Debates on November 28.

Rules and details below. If you have any other questions, click on the link below.

Create a Ron Paul Video for the CNN/You Tube Debate
CNN has requested for the campaign to submit a 30 second ad to be used as a bumper when going in to commercial during the Nov 28 CNN/YouTube Debate. The national campaign has asked us, the Ron Paul Grassroots Supporters, to be the ones to develop the ad to be shown!
Please let everyone know as quickly as possible because we don't have much time! Here are the rules ... READ THESE VERY CAREFULLY:

1. Ad must be exactly 30 seconds; no more, no less.
2. Ad will be shown for the FIRST TIME EVER PUBLICLY during the debate. Any video uploaded to YouTube for public viewing or accidentally placed on the Internet will be disqualified.
3. Ad must be available in both NTSC-ready format (for TV viewing) and smaller YouTube-size for review.
4. NO copyright violations. Must use original music, video and images, or need to have permission. If permission received, documentation MUST be provided for review.
5. Ads will be sent to me no later than Friday, November 23 at 8:00 AM Eastern Time, no exceptions.
6. Upload the ad to YouTube in PRIVATE mode (make sure not to use public!), and share the ad with RonPaulAdCompetition *only*.

What happens after the ads are submitted?

* A group of marketing professionals will review the ads on Friday and narrow down to a group of 4-6.
* The final videos will be sent to the national campaign for their review on Saturday, November 24 at 12:00 AM (Midnight) Eastern Time.
* The national campaign will select one (1) video of the 4-6 finalists to send to CNN on Monday, November 26 at 5:00 PM Eastern Time.
* The selected ad will be shown during the CNN/YouTube debate on Nov. 28th!

Start rolling people it's time to make this happen! If you have questions email me at, or visit this Channel as updates occur.



1) Add RonPaulAdCompetiton as a YouTube friend.
2) Upload the video to YouTube in PRIVATE mode. Select RonPaulAdCompetition as the only member of your contact list to have access to view the video.
3) Send an email to RonPaulAdCompetition or stating your video's name, link and your YouTube username.
4) Complete these steps no later than 8AM on Friday, 11/23.
5) The video can be switched to PUBLIC mode no earlier than the morning of 11/29.


NOTE 1: CNN debate footage can be used. Footage of other debates (Fox, NBC) can be used if copyright permission is received. Anyone submitting a video with debate footage will need to demonstrate proof of permission. This is true of any copyright audio, video or images used.

Producers can use audio/video of existing RonPaul2008dotcom channel content, and of Ron Paul's Flickr account ( photos/ronpaul2008), but no high-quality versions are available. Make sure to give credit to the appropriate parties. See the "Update from the Campaign" bulletin below.

NOTE 2: Previously we had discussed about the need to have 4-6 seconds for the Federal Election Commission (FEC) required verbal disclaimer of "I'm Ron Paul and I approve of this message". No need to do so for this CNN version, just 30 full seconds to use.

I might suggest it would probably be a good idea to have '' displayed at some point during the video.

NOTE 3: The campaign has stated that any submitted video needs to be "significantly original to be considered". (In the email the word 'significantly' was italicized for emphasis.) Changing some animation, shuffling words, and changing phrases would not be considered a new video.
All the public will see will be the winner. It would be much more interesting to see ALL the videos submitted. And will the "Ron Paul Girl" enter? Surely.

Let the debates begin.

by Mondoreb & Little Baby Ginn


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

You Think Your In-Laws Are Strange?
Man Marries Dog

When we saw theheadline below, we had much the same reaction as RidesAPaleHorse, who sent us the above graphic. The story and original picture follow.
Man in India Marries Dog
A man in southern India married a female dog in a traditional Hindu ceremony as an attempt to atone for stoning two other dogs to death -- an act he believes cursed him -- a newspaper reported Tuesday.
more stories like this

P. Selvakumar married the sari-draped former stray named Selvi, chosen by family members and then bathed and clothed for the ceremony Sunday at a Hindu temple in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, the Hindustan Times newspaper said.

Selvakumar, 33, told the paper he had been suffering since he stoned two dogs to death and hung their bodies from a tree 15 years ago.

Sound like a Bollywood remake of Lassie Come Home might be in the works.


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Out of the Office Dept.

We'll be in and out--mostly out--of our computer office until later this afternoon.

Then things will get back up to speed.

As far as we're concerned.

Milton Friedman:
Ferocious Defender of Capitalism

Milton Friedman passed away a year ago today. He was a ferocious defend of the American Way.

According to Wikipedia's biography:
In 1962, in his first major salvo as a public intellectual, Friedman published "Capitalism and Freedom", a major defense of capitalism and critique of the New Deal and the emerging welfare state. The book would eventually sell half a million copies.

Friedman served as an economic adviser to Barry Goldwater during his failed 1964 presidential campaign. Like Friedman, Goldwater had come to reject the New Deal and called for a return to economic freedom. This position was extreme in 1964, but gained momentum over the next two decades, finally culminating in the presidency of Ronald Reagan.
Friedman's contributions to the defense of our capitalistic system were many.

Don't really understand economics?

It's all a bunch of mumbo-jumbo? Watch a great video of Friedman explaining why capitalism is better than any other system, go on over to Red Planet Cartoons.

The first couple minutes of the video is an Econ 101 mini-lesson on Cooperation in Capitalism.

It will give you a bit of ammunition, next time Harry the Communist starts getting mouthy.

Friedman holds forth on capitalism and Red Planet Cartoons holds forth on other Friedman resources that are listed.

by Mondoreb


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Dog the Bounty Hunter: White Supremacists Put Bounty On Duane "Dog" Chapman's Head

The Bounty Hunter Now Has a Price on His Head

White Supremacists Threaten the Dog With Death

We received an alert from Google News about an hour ago and included in the offerings was the news that the Dog was in danger.

How would the Bounty Hunter respond to having a bounty placed on his head?

How would his fans respond?

How could this be true?

White power groups threaten to kill the Dog because of his public apology on TV? That's sensational news to be sure. The following story was reported at Contact Music "White Supremacists Threaten to Kill Duane "Dog" Chapman".
A group of hardcore white supremacists have put a bounty on DUANE 'DOG' CHAPMAN's head after he publicly apologised for racial slurs he was caught using in a taped conversation.
This fired up some Dog fans who commented on the story at Contact Music. The following was a comment by Mike 2003:
hey white supremacists you like to talk alot of BS but you can't back it up one of these days you gonna threaten someone and your gonna find your damn body 6ft under so just keep talking your damn s**t that you can't f**king back up.
Mike 2003 continues until the rest of his comment is mostly ***'s.

Contact Music doesn't seem to be the leader in world wide news. The link they provided with the story was marked "CNN". Upon following the link, it led us back to Contact Music's page. Maybe the guys around the water cooler call Contact Music "CNN" for short.

Upon checking CNN's website, there was no record of the story there, either. The story from Contact Music went on to state:
His rant upset black America and now it seems his apology has upset members of the Aryan Nation, who want to teach Chapman a lesson for bowing to pressure and apologising to African-Americans.

Niger Innis, a spokesman for the Congress Of Racial Equality, tells U.S. tabloid the Globe that he has discovered the white supremacists want the bounty hunter dead - and they're offering $75,000 (GBP37,500) to anyone who'll carry out the job.

Innis tells the publication, "Chapman told me himself that there was a bounty on his head from the white Aryan Nations. "They don't believe he is demonstrating enough white pride... Chapman's not only upset black America with his ugly taped talk, he's now drawn the wrath of the white supremacists too."

We next checked out the Globe's website to find that they didn't have anything on the story either--at least on their site.

So, next we sent someone over to the Aryan Nations website.

The "Official Website" had plenty of swastikas. They had story of "Jew Watch", which we didn't stop to check out. Also one on "Red Cross Proves Holocaust a Fraud" was featured.

We sent people to check out a few other Neo-Nazi/White Supremacists sites. One site had it in their data base, but it was unsearchable when we tried.

Still no news of a price on Dog's head.

Seems this Bounty Hunter story is a hoax.

After an hour of digging and following leads, there doesn't seem to be anything to back this story up except the lone story at Contact Music.

Where did they get it? Attempts to reach someone at Contact Music bore no fruit. We'll try again tomorrow. We suspect that the result will be same.

Why did they put up a story marked "CNN"?

Maybe to draw some attention to their website and possibly sell some music.

Maybe they thought it was true. Perhaps they still do believe it to be true. We'll see. The truth is: more checking is ahead.

Everyone concerned can breathe a bit easier, although I'm sure fans of the Dog the Bounty Hunter show would be up in arms at their favorite TV star threatened. We're sure Dog can take care of himself, in any case.

And hopefully, Contact Music puts more care and thought in their music than they do in their news stories.

by Mondoreb
legwork: Little Baby Ginn

Latest Dog the Bounty Hunter:

Girlfriend Has Message for Dog's Fans on MySpace

SIGN the "Bring Back Dog" Petition:

250,000 Signature Goal in Two Weeks:

NEW! Dog Trivia

NEW! Dog Still Loves the Son Who Sold Him Out:
Click Here.

Dog Petitions Spring Up All Over Internet


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ron Paul Dollars:
FBI, Secret Service Raid Liberty Dollar
--An Old Adversary

FBI, Secret Service Seize Thousands of Coins in Raid

Two Tons of Ron Paul Dollars Seized

How did a long-simmering philosophical and legal difference of opinion between a private coin organization and the United States Government spill over into the 2008 presidential elections?

FBI Raid Seizes 2 Tons of Ron Paul Dollars and the UPDATES

The joint FBI/Secret Service raid on Evansville, IN-based Liberty Dollars earlier caused a stir in the blogosphere today. The disturbance had to do with the fact that among the items seized by the Agents were nearly 2 tons of Ron Paul dollars.

The mere mention of Ron Paul fires most people up into a Ohio State-Michigan football-like frenzy. This news likely will cause two bitter rival cults, the Pro- and anti-Paul commentators to further furious action.

A number of views have already been presented at DBKP about this story and its connection to the Ron Paul presidential campaign. Some are for and some are against; trying to weave them into a single tapestry makes one dizzy.

It seems sensible to look at the background first. Then, we'll examine the other points one at a time, try to maintain an even balance and let the readers make up their own minds.

This is largely the tale of the fight between Liberty Dollar and the U.S. Government. As some of us feel that the Paul campaign's involvement was incidental at most, we'll leave that for a later article.


Liberty Dollar has been involved in an ongoing struggle with various divisions of the federal government for awhile now. The source of their dispute is whether Liberty Dollar (once named NORFED--National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and the Internal Revenue Code) is creating its own currency system to compete with the government.

The man who signed the letters that went out from Liberty today was Bernard von NotHaus. Keep his name in mind.

From NORFED's Historical site:
Please be aware that this is the historic site for NORFED, that distributed the Liberty Dollar (1998 to 2006). Since its founding by Bernard von NotHaus, the Liberty Dollar has consistently gathered momentum by becoming more main stream.

The emphasis at Liberty seems to be on using the coins as a sort of "value preservative." That is, the coins would ensure that the holder had something of value in case of a collapse of federally-backed paper money.

They also argue that the coins can be exchanged for goods at certain merchants who willingly take them to support the idea as another way of having something of value in case of a crash.

There is a lot of stock market, money system collapse conversations among the fanciers of coins. Liberty talks this point up.
From NORFED's web page:
Andrew Williams, a spokesman for the Federal Reserve in Washington, D.C.:

"There is no law that says goods and services must be paid for with Federal Reserve notes. Parties entering into a transaction can establish any medium of exchange that is agreed upon."

Paul Harvey, well-known and respected news commentator, reported:

What's new? The Liberty Dollar! Fed Ex competes with the Post Office. So now there's the Liberty Dollar competing with the greenbacks printed by your government. The Liberty Dollar is backed by gold and silver. Yes, there's a competitive currency right here in the United States. In five years it has become the second most popular currency in America.

100,000 Liberty Dollar supporters:

REAL Money's got the look, the feel, and the real value. Because it is REAL Gold and Silver. I use it every day! And so can you!
So apparently, Liberty is selling something some people want. They also think it has value, especially if those people think the money system is in jeopardy.

Also from NORFED's web page:
Hi. My name is Bernard von NotHaus. I was so concerned about what is happening to our "money" that I designed and developed the Liberty Dollar. For 25 years, I was the Mintmaster at the Royal Hawaiian Mint and have devoted my life to the study of money, why it is valuable, and how we use it to fulfill our dreams. Like you, I am paying a lot higher gas prices, but I am also making a lot more money because I am using the Liberty Dollar. Here is what G. Edward Griffin, the noted author on the Federal Reserve said:

On page 573 of "The Creature from Jekyll Island", I wrote that before we could abandon Federal Reserve Notes, we first had to be able to convert them into real money. I said: "That means we must create an entirely new money supply which is 100% backed by precious metal; and we must do so in a reasonably short period of time." Well you have to be careful what you recommend, because Bernard von NotHaus did exactly that. And although I initially thought there were too many obstacles, to my surprise, the more I studied the details of his plan, the more convinced I was that by Jove, it just might work! My business, The Reality Zone, is a Liberty Associate, and I urge you to get in on the ground floor and join this growing group of concerned Americans as a Liberty Associate now!
This is all a little off the beaten path for most people, but doesn't sound scary enough for a full FBI/Secret Service raid. Wouldn't a couple agents have done the trick?

Perhaps not.

Where does Ron Paul fit into all of this?

Very peripherally, at the most. His likeness is on the Ron Paul Dollar, which has many admirers of the Libertarian stripe. Liberty is like any other business. They go with what is Hot. And in Libertarian circles, and all over the countr--because of the election campaign--Hot is Ron Paul.

So Dr. Paul gets his mug on a coin.

Which Liberty made.

Which federal agents raided today.

And took almost 2 tons of coins with Ron Paul's likeness on them.

The trouble between Liberty and the U.S. Government's been brewing for awhile (NORFED started in 1998), but it really got warmer last year. An article from USA Today entitled "Feds Lower the Boom on Alternative Money":
The government Thursday warned consumers and businesses that it is illegal to use alternative money known as "Liberty Dollar" coins, which organizers promote as a competitor to the almighty dollar.

"We don't want consumers to be fooled," U.S. Mint spokeswoman Becky Bailey says, noting U.S. Attorneys offices across the USA have noticed a marked increase in inquiries about the coins.
The article went on to say that Liberty wouldn't roll over and play dead. Philosophical principles were at stake.

It also goes on to detail a few of the government's objections.
The coins' producers vowed to fight the government's decision.

Evansville, Ind.-based National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and the Internal Revenue Code, otherwise known as NORFED, has been making the Liberty Dollar coins for eight years and claims $20 million is in circulation. The group says the money, unlike official U.S. cash, has a hedge against inflation because it is made almost entirely of silver and is backed by stocks of silver and gold in a vault in Idaho.

The coins are then spent by the group's 2,500 Liberty Associates in stores run by fellow supporters or are accepted unknowingly by clerks who are unaware they are not receiving real money.

The Justice Department has determined that use of Liberty Dollars, which come in varying denominations, "is a crime," according to the Mint, which issued a rare public warning Thursday.

"The United States Mint is the only entity that can produce coins," Bailey says.

The Mint notes the coins share some resemblances to real money, such as the term "Trust in God" instead of "In God We Trust" and use of a torch in the design. Such similarities may confuse people into thinking the money is real, the Mint says.

But NORFED says it will challenge the government, arguing it has never claimed Liberty Dollars were official money and that it has a right to offer an alternative.

"The designs and verbiage ... are original and are not copies of any U.S. Mint currency," NORFED Executive Director Michael Johnson said in a statement.

It's unclear how many people or businesses are unknowingly holding Liberty Dollars, which cannot be exchanged for real money at banks.

In a case in Buffalo, a man and his son are set to go on trial next month after they knowingly tried to buy beer at a Buffalo Sabres hockey game with Liberty Dollars.

The Mint did not say if government officials will seek to prosecute individuals or NORFED after its warning.

Reed Runk, part-owner of Kendall Funk & Bismark Jewelers in Chambersburg, Pa., says the store has been accepting Liberty Dollars for about a year and has sold a few as well. Runk says the store will continue to accept and sell the coins.

"We just feel that they are something that educates people as to what the monetary systems are like in the world, that they are a fiat system, that if people lose faith in them, they will collapse," he says. Besides, "They are a good-looking coin."
So the battle lines are forming: Liberty and the people who distrust big government on one side; big government on the other.

Earlier this year, things got hotter still for Liberty. From Hot Items at the U.S. Mint's website:
The National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and the Internal Revenue Code (NORFED) is producing and marketing gold and silver medallions that NORFED calls "Liberty Dollars." The United States Mint and the United States Department of Justice have received inquiries regarding the legality of these so-called "Liberty Dollar" medallions. The United States Mint urges consumers who are considering the purchase or use of these items to be aware that they are not genuine United States Mint bullion coins and they are not legal tender. These medallions are privately produced products and are not backed by, nor affiliated in any way with, the United States Government. Moreover, prosecutors with the Department of Justice have determined that the use of these gold and silver NORFED "Liberty Dollar" medallions as circulating money is a Federal crime.

Consumers may find advertisements for these medallions confusing and should take note of several issues related to them.

First, the advertisements refer to the product as "real money" and "currency." These medallions might look like real money because they—

* Bear the inscriptions, "Liberty," "Dollars," "Trust in God" (similar to "In God We Trust"), and "USA" (similar to "United States of America"), and an inscription purporting to denote the year of production; and

* Depict images that are similar to United States coins, such as the torch on the reverses of the current dime coin, 1986 Statute of Liberty commemorative silver dollar and 1993 Bill of Rights commemorative half-dollar, and the Liberty Head designs on the obverses of United States gold coins from the mid-1800s to the early 1900s.

However, despite their misleading appearance, NORFED "Liberty Dollar" medallions are not genuine United States Mint coins and they are not legal tender.

Second, the advertisements confusingly refer to NORFED "Liberty Dollar" medallions as "legal" and "constitutional." However, under the Constitution ( Article I, section 8, clause 5 ), Congress has the exclusive power to coin money of the United States and to regulate its value. By statute ( 31 U.S.C. § 5112(a) ), Congress specifies the coins that the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to mint and issue and requires the Secretary to carry out these duties at the United States Mint (31 U.S.C. § 5131). Accordingly, the United States Mint is the only entity in the United States with the lawful authority to mint and issue legal tender United States coins.

Under 18 U.S.C. § 486, it is a Federal crime to utter or pass, or attempt to utter or pass, any coins of gold or silver intended for use as current money except as authorized by law. According to the NORFED website, "Liberty merchants" are encouraged to accept NORFED "Liberty Dollar" medallions and offer them as change in sales transactions of merchandise or services. Further, NORFED tells "Liberty associates" that they can earn money by obtaining NORFED "Liberty Dollar" medallions at a discount and then can "spend [them] into circulation." Therefore, NORFED’s "Liberty Dollar" medallions are specifically intended to be used as current money in order to limit reliance on, and to compete with the circulating coinage of the United States. Consequently, prosecutors with the United States Department of Justice have concluded that the use of NORFED’s ";Liberty Dollar" medallions violates 18 U.S.C. § 486.

Liberty isn't the only alternative currency in the U.S. From Wikpedia's entry on Liberty Dollar:
The Liberty Dollar is a private currency embodied in minted metal pieces and gold & silver certificates (ALD), and electronic currency (eLD). It is distributed by Liberty Services (formerly NORFED), based in Evansville, Indiana. The company that mints and warehouses Liberty Dollars is [1] in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. The Liberty Dollar was created by Bernard von NotHaus, the co-founder of the Royal Hawaiian Mint Company.[
A number of alternative currencies exist in the United States, including the Liberty Dollar, Phoenix Dollars, Ithaca Hours, and digital gold currency. Unlike most other alternative currencies, both Liberty Dollars and Phoenix Dollars are denominated by weight and backed by a commodity. Phoenix Dollars are backed exclusively by silver, while there are both gold and silver backed Liberty Dollars. Liberty Dollars differ from other alternative currencies in that they carry a suggested US dollar face value.
Things got real hot for Liberty today and that's where we stand at the moment.

Liberty struck a coin with the image of Ron Paul, lots of people bought it and then the raid came down. It says on the Liberty website that $2300 of the proceeds from the sale of the Ron Paul dollars will be donated to the Ron Paul campaign.

That seems to be the lone tie-in with the Ron Paul campaign.

If the 2008 campaign season has focused on anything, it's focused on guilt by association. With the campaigning starting so abnormally early, there is scarce to write about of real news value.

That leaves pundits with a couple things with which to fill their space: polls, fund-raising and "scandals".

The polls are issued seemingly every day, with Rasmussen, CNN, and a host of others filling up space with what people think they will do a year from now.

The fund-raising is treated as if it's the score in a basketball game. Little can be gleaned from early fund-raising except which campaign is better organized. Four years ago, the writers today proclaiming Hillary Clinton as "unstoppable" are the same ones who then confidently predicted that Howard Dean was the Next Big Thing.

Dean's early success at fund-raising was their proof. Dean was one of the first to tap into the Internet to reach fund-raisers and got a head start. But by February, he was winded and John Kerry cruised to the Democrat nomination.

The third item is scandal and it usually involves a procedure that goes something like this:
1- Someone is discovered to have something "bad" in their past--crime, drugs, corruption, bad breath--that taints them.
2- The "bad" person is tied to a candidate's campaign in some way. Rudy Guiliani and Fred Thompson are the latest to feel that sting.
3- Calls ring out for the candidate to denounce the offender. It's a form of political "shunning".
4- Everyone forgets about it and looks for another scandal target. Repeat and rinse.

So now look for calls to the Paul campaign to denounce a small coin dealer who's run afoul of the federal government. There has been no convictions in this case--no one except the government even knows the charges. If there are any convictions, it may be because federal agents seized almost everything of worth at Liberty Dollar today: computers, files, money, gold and silver.

It's hard enough fighting a federal charge, but it's even harder when the federal government seizes all your assets.

Makes one wish they had put back some Liberty Dollars for a rainy day.

[There is much more information and background on this battle between Government and Liberty. This story will have the gaps filled in as more information about the specific charges and Liberty's response to them becomes known. It will be updated over the next several weeks until it is more or less a complete narrative.--Ed.]

[NOTE: We will also proofread more carefully later; we will claim deadlines and all that. Truth is: we're tired.]

by Mondoreb

An in-depth look at the exact terms the government is using to define this issue and a good look at the raid overall is presented by Wake Up America in Spree's piece, "Federal Raid on Liberty Dollar Seizes Illegal Ron Paul Currency"

trackback to Wake Up America.

ALSO, Chucky at Policitco has an article, "Ron Paul's Supporters Get Busted for Illegal Money". It's a pretty good look at what promises to be a zealous anti-government Liberty against the federal government showdown. At the end of the piece is a round-up of links that could serve as a nice primer for anyone interested in cramming on the upcoming David vs. Goliath court battle.


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Big Guns:
The Smart Shopper Comparison Test

"NY Swat Team Leader Under Fire for Lurid Hooters Pix"

After watching the above video, RidesAPaleHorse submitted this response:
Big guns?...........those are NOT big guns.

THESE are BIG guns!!


[seen at Breitbart]


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

FBI Surprise Raid Seizes 2 Tons of Ron Paul Dollars - UPDATE

UPDATES: Surprise FBI Raid Seizes 2 Tons of Ron Paul Dollars

Updates to our original story above. One from Italy where the writer makes a valid point. Not the one about George Bush being jealous: that's gratuitous Bush-bashing at its European finest.

The one about the FBI conducting the raid in the first place.
[NOTE: In the copy of the letter we saw from Liberty Coin, the Secret Service was involved in the raid also. However, this wasn't referenced in the following report.]
From URU Net, Italy:
"FBI Raids Liberty Dollar"
Webmaster's comment: Thet the FBI carried out this raid suggests a political motive. Maybe Goerge Bush was jealous because nobody wants to put his face on coins (just toilet paper). If the Liberty Dollar was really an illegal form of currency, the raid would have been carried out by the Treasury Department and Secret Service.
This from the Western Standard:
"L. Ron Paul Supporters Raided by FBI"
Why? Well, this company was minting coins and issuing paper notes claiming to be "dollars" and which, at least in the case of the coins, might easily have been taken by individuals for notes and coins issued by the Mint or the Federal Reserve.

Perhaps even more hillariously, given the intended market for these things, it appears that the minted gold, silver, and bronze coins were being told at markups of between 25% and 400% on the actual value of the precious metals contained therein. The only thing worse than a Goldbug is a stupid Goldbug and, apparently, these people were that in droves.

Now, Ron Paul's smarter supporters will attempt to distance themselves from such a disreputable operation. They can try and do that, of course - but, frankly, it will be difficult to with fifty pages of teeth gnashing from L. Ron's supporters about the raid. Moreover, any claim that Ron Paul didn't approve of or support this ought to be viewed skeptically in view of the fact that these people have been marketing these coins using his name and likeness since July at the very earliest.

More as they become available.
by Mondoreb
& Little Baby Ginn
[image: Libertydollars]


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Surprise FBI Raid Seizes 2 Tons of Ron Paul Dollars

A surprise raid on the offices of a coin dealer resulted in the seizure of thousands of coins--literally tons of them--including thousands of newly-minted Ron Paul dollars.

The following letters was quickly sent out to clients of the firm.

From Bernard von NotHaus, Monetary Architect at Liberty Coins:

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters:

I sincerely regret to inform you that about 8:00 this morning a dozen FBI and Secret Service agents raided the Liberty Dollar office in Evansville.

For approximately six hours they took all the gold, all the silver, all the platinum and almost two tons of Ron Paul Dollars that where just delivered last Friday. They also took all the files, all the computers and froze our bank accounts.

We have no money. We have no products. We have no records to even know what was ordered or what you are owed. We have nothing but the will to push forward and overcome this massive assault on our liberty and our right to have real money as defined by the US Constitution. We should not to be defrauded by the fake government money.

No word yet as to why the FBI and Secret Service raided the Liberty Coin Company.
But to make matters worse, all the gold and silver that backs up the paper certificates and digital currency held in the vault at Sunshine Mint has also been confiscated. Even the dies for mint the Gold and Silver Libertys have been taken.

Thanks again for your support at this darkest time as the damn government and their dollar sinks to a new low.

Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect

No further word at this time on many of the questions that naturally beg to be asked.


Is the Ron Paul campaign have a connection in some way?

Is Bernard von NotHaus connected to the campaign in any way?

What was so important or criminal to prompt a surprise raid by the FBI, no less?

This news will no doubt fuel speculation in the blogosphere, among the anti-Paulians.

We'll reserve comments for later when more is known, except to say that anytime law enforcement swoops down and carts off the assets of a business, we'd hope it involved serious, serious crime.

We will be following this one quite closely.

No word on whether other presidential candidate coins were seized.

[UPDATE: 2:11 11-15-07] FBI Surprise Raid Seizes 2 Tons of Ron Paul Dollars - UPDATE

Wonder if Franklin Mint is next?

& Mnodoreb
Image [libertydollar]
More details: Freedom's Phoenix

Digg! - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

MySpace Suicide:
Megan Meier's Story May Prevent Others

The tragedy of the "MySpace Suicide" of Megan Meiers could prevent others like it from occurring in the future. As news of the tragic story spreads across the nation, perhaps an event calamitous for one family may be an opportunity for others.

Upon reading the story, it's hard to come away feeling anything other than shock, disbelief, outrage or sadness.

13-year-old Megan was the object of mean attacks on the popular Internet site MySpace by, what she thought was, an attractive boy, "Josh", she'd taken a liking to. Others on the site joined in.

The attacks caused the depression-suffering girl to hang herself.

It was later learned that the attacks came not from the boy, who proved to be a fictitious creation, but from adults who lived down the street from Megan.

All this took place eventhough, from all accounts, Megan's mom monitored her Internet use in every way possible. Monitored it much more than most parents, in fact.

How could this story prevent others like it from happening?


Do you have a teen? Do you watch "Jerry Springer"?

Judge Judy?


Turn off the TV, have them sit down and give them a copy of this story. If they haven't already heard about it, have them read it. They will probably wonder what's up at this point.

Did the news of their adventures in science class somehow reach home?

Chances are, after reading it, most will have similar reactions to adults.

Talk to them. Ask them what they think about the story. What would they do in Megan's case? Do they know any of their friends who've met fake characters online? Do they know how often it happens?

How would react if someone on line "said things about them"?

No definitive conclusion need be reached in the discussion. The fact that they're sitting down talking with a parent might be old hat. That's good.

But it might be a new experience--for everyone involved. They will certainly notice that you turned off the TV. That might tip them off that this is serious.

Maybe this sad story might cause them to think, if only for a moment. The disastrous story of the death of Megan Meier may stick with them. Maybe they'll file it away for future reference.

In the end, you can turn the TV back on at the end of all this: you won't have missed much. Jerry, Oprah and Judge Judy won't miss the ratings points. Your teen may look at you funny. That comes with territory--or should.

The word most often used to describe the MySpace suicide of Megan Meier is "tragedy". It is apt. Maybe this tragedy can prevent another Megan from occurring.

It's too late for Megan Meier and her grief-stricken family. It may not be too late for others.

by Mondoreb

More on the MySpace suicide of Megan Meier:

MySpace Suicide: The Megan Meier Story - Video
MySpace Cruel Prank Leads to Teen's Suicide
MySpace Suicide Reactions: Outrage!

[UPDATE: 11:40 11-15-07] Prosecutor to Take Another Look at Case
A St. Charles County teen commits suicide after being targeted by an online attack, but those who instigated it face no criminal charges, or could they? The county prosecutor says he never saw the complete case file. He doesn't want to give anyone false hope, but he says it's not yet case closed.

"Me personally, I've never seen anything on this case," says St. Charles County Prosecutor Jack Banas. He says from what he's heard he knows hearts are broken, but he doesn't believe laws were.

More on the Megan Meier MySpace Suicide:

Supposedly an ex-friend of Megan's replies to our stories in
"Megan Had It Coming"

Megan Meier MySpace Suicide Cruel Hoax: No Justice for Megan
Cruel Hoaxer's Outed: Let the Lesser Outrage Begin
Megan Meier MySpace Suicide Reactions: Outrage! Outrage!


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Sid Blumenthal Farewell Twofer:
Last Story for Salon Is First For Clinton

Goodbye Mr. Blumenthal!

A departing Sid Blumenthal disproves the maxim, "no man can serve two masters". His last piece for old boss, Salon, "Goodbye Mr. Bush" is the same as his first for new boss, Hillary Clinton.

Reading the opening, one suspects that Sid is guilty of double-dipping.
The Republican will to power remains ferocious. It will take a dauntless Democratic leader to win back the White House and restore dignity to the Constitution.

Under crisis conditions of an extraordinary magnitude political leadership of the highest level will be required in the next presidency. The damage is broad, deep and spreading, apparent not only in international disorder and violence, the unprecedented decline of U.S. prestige, and the flouting of our security and economic interests but also in the hollowing out of the federal government's departments and agencies, and their growing incapacity to fulfill their functions, from FEMA to the Department of Justice.
Bye Sid

That Blumenthal penned the next sentence without laughing to tears is proof that he's a perfect fit for the Clinton war room.

"The patently perverse notion that weakness is strength is the basis of Bush's remaining credibility within his party."

Coming from someone present during the gutting of the U.S. miltary--Codename: the "Peace Dividend"--this is good stuff. He has the reader hooked. Salon is losing a keeper in Blumenthal.

Goodbye Mr. Blumenthal

This campaign pits two parties running on diametrically opposite ideas of the presidency and the Constitution. There has not been such a sharp divergence on the foundation of the federal system since perhaps the election of 1860.
The farewell's apex is reached in that one paragraph. All before and after are Blumethal/Clinton boilerplate.

Don't Forget to Write, Sidney

"The Democrats at key junctures have been seduced by the illusion of anti-politics to their own detriment."

With this masterpiece of self-parody, Sidney Blumenthal closes his anti-Bush piece with a warning on the pitfalls of anti-politics. He also closes out his regular columns for Salon. One door closes and another one opens.

Goodbye Mr. Blumental.

by Mondoreb


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